If you are using Netscape browser, follow these guidelines to learn how to enable cookies .
Click the version of your Netscape. If you are not sure about your version, click help in your browser and find out.
Netscape 7.x
Step 1
1.Click on the Edit menu in your Netscape browser.
2.From the drop down select on preferences(Edit->Preferences)
A new window will be opened with the name preferences
Step 2
1. In the left side of the window you can see the category panel.
Scroll down to “privacy & security” and expand the selection.
2. Now click on the cookies.
3. from the right side of the window under the Cookie Acceptance Policy
Enable either “Enable all cookies” option or “Allow cookies base d on policy settings”option.
If you want to allow cookies from all sites just check on “enable all cookies”
If you want to allow cookies selectively enable “Allow cookies base d on policy settings” option.
Step 3
If you choose “Allow cookies base d on policy settings”option click on the view button.
A new window will be opened as shown below